Ingredients, serves 8 -1 raw beetroot -4 chicory -2 handful of pumpkin or sunflower seeds -1/4 of green cabbage -4 cups of Brussel sprouts -2 pears cored and into slices -Juice of 1 orange + 1 orange for the segents -Juice of 1 lime or...
Read moreParmesan cups, salmon and cream canapés for the holidays – Coupes au parmesan, saumon et crème pour les fêtes
Here is again a so simple and easy canapés recipe for your Christmas/cocktail parties !!! You’ll just need 5 ingredients and little silicon moulds :))) C’est tout ! Ingredients, -Parmesan cheese -Sour cream -Smoked salmon...
Read moreRice and veg stuffed butternut squash
It’s one of people’s favourite season and I understand why…. Autumn…. Orange, a bit chilly in the morning, Indian summer sometimes, and the food, the food…. Plums, pumpkins, spinach, salsify, the beginning of...
Read moreVerrines for aperitif
I don’t know you, but here, in Nice, it’s already 34 degrès, as soon as we crossed the summertime lign the heat jumped on us, not even the time to get use to Spring… I am not complaining, I am just explaining :)) I love the heat...
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