I don’t know you, but here, in Nice, it’s already 34 degrès, as soon as we crossed the summertime lign the heat jumped on us, not even the time to get use to Spring…
I am not complaining, I am just explaining :)) I love the heat anyway,
So who says heat, says fresh, cold food, no fuss and apero 🙂
Again, in our verrines serie, two of my favourite, the pink humus and the asparagus-feta cheese ones
Ingredients, Pink humus, serves 4 small verrines
-2 small garlic cloves
-1 medium beetroot
-1 small can of chick peas
-Salt and pepper
-Olive oil
In a blender mix the chick peas with beetroot, garlic and olive oil till obtaining a paste, If it’s too thick add a bit more olive oil, taste, season with salt and pepper and cumin.
Ingredients, Asparagus-feta cheese, serves 4 small verrines
-2 white asparagus
-Feta cheese
-1 lemon
-Olive oil
Boil the asparagus in salty water, when cooked, let it to cool down, cut them, place some at the bottom of the verrines, then crumble the feta cheese, add a squeeze of lemon and some olive oil, then do it again with asparagus, feta cheese and olive oil and lemon…. till the top of the verrine, finish with the tips of asparagus for decoration.
You can also check this recipe on our youtube channel :)) :
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