It’s official, I’ve just turned 45 ! Happy birthday me !
It was a little slap on my face but it didn’t last as I feel great, I feel young and I feel empowered (yes, that much!)
I have a lot of projects, lots of envies and desires and that’s the most important, age is just a number.
I am still cooking, drinking wine and laughing, the rest is accessories.
Talking about cooking, I made this zucchini cake, it’s a recipe that I do all the time with different vegetables, it can be mushrooms or a mix of veggies or like this one with zucchini. The base is always the same. Eggs and a bit of cream.
I used rice cream in that case as I don’t do cow milk.
Ingredients, for 1 loaf
-4 zucchini washed and diced
-1 onion, sliced
-olive oil
-5 eggs
-salt and pepper
-200ml of cream
-1 tbl spoon of flour
In a frying pan cook your zucchini and onion together with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper.
When ready, crack the eggs in a bowl, add the cream, flour, salt and pepper and whisk. Pour in the zucchini,
Grease a tin loaf with olive oil and put your mixture in the tin. My tin is old so I preferred to put some baking paper, I didn’t want my cake to burn at the bottom, but if yours is new and that you grease it properly, you shouldn’t have any problem.
Cook for 30min at 180°C.
C’est tout ! That’s it !
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